четверг, 23 сентября 2021 г.

Education,employment and stress

Education and employment are one of the most important parts of our life. By educating ourselves we automatically gain opportunities which we’ll be able to make use of in the future, and one of those opportunities is finding a job. Most of the humans educate themselves to be more knowledgeable,  and with knowledge also comes income.

The educational system puts a lot of stress on today’s young people, they have to go through a lot just to apply for a college, and I’m not even talking about being accepted or denied yet. College is key to being employed, college is a way to semi-confirm your successful future and gain academic validation. I must note that some company leaders also visit colleges to find fresh employees for them, but I’m not sure if that’s a healthy way to become employed, I’d rather study and invest all of my time into education and just afterwards try to find a job.

Another way of gaining knowledge and getting a job is to educate yourself without getting into a college using the internet or some other sources, like some people in the communities that you are interested in. If you have the will and you intend to be successful you can invest all your time and money on self-education which will lead to self-employment. Although I’ve never felt it personally, I must note that self-employment must be a great thing, after all that you’ve gone through at school you can feel free at last.

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